Mobile And Wireless Security Issues: Preventive Measures

Mobile and Wireless Computing

The mobile is very imprint device for communication purpose and the use of mobile and wireless technologies are growing very fast. The mobile and wireless security are defined as a protection method for computer networks and personal servers from threats and vulnerabilities of wireless systems (Aminzadeh, et al., 2015). The security of human private data is a very common problem and in last few years, the rate of mobile devices is increased by 50% due to which the numbers of security-related issues and risks also increased (Butun, Morgera, and Sankar, 2014). The main purpose of this report is to identify and analyse the IS security issues of mobile and wireless devices and prevention techniques to avoid these type of problems. Information of any organization is a very important key element and many consumers use wireless networks which are very less secure due to which they can lose their privacy. This report is explaining the mobile and wireless security issues, and challenges and process to solve this kind of risk from computer networks. There are many kinds of securely related issues occurs in the mobile and wireless system for examples, DDOS attack, malware, and botnet attacks, configuration conflict, and rogue access points which will be discussed in this report.  

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Wireless is an advanced technology due to which users can transfer data or information from one location to another. With the help of mobile and wireless networks consumer can share their data for long distance and the main problem occur with these type of process is data breach (Chen, et al., 2016). Mobile computing is a kind of wireless system that has the capability to connect two or more people with the help of internet and transmission lines. There are main two attacks occurs in the field of mobile and wireless technologies, for example, denial of service and malware attacks. Wireless devices involve cordless phones, satellite phones, cellular phones and smartphones like personal digital assistants (Gai, et al., 2016). One of the main concerns in the sector of the mobile and wireless process is data security and the main advantage of this technology is that it is more efficient rather than wired technology. Information technology identified that in the year 2015 the security threats of mobile devices are increased by 37% and the main problem is lack of security by which users can lose their private details like account details and login ID. This report provides an overview of security threats and risks of mobile and wireless networks and it is identified that consumer uses simple password system which can be easily hacked by botnet and flooding process (He, Chan, and Guizani, 2015).

The mobile systems provide a communication channel between two or more peripheral devices and it uses wireless technology to interconnect transmitter and receiver. Due to wireless connectivity, there are many security issues occurs like data breach, DOS attack, spoofing and configuration related issues. The security-related threats and issues of mobile and wireless is categorized into two parts such as wireless security issues and the issue regarding information (Hickey, and Freedson, 2016).

Cybersecurity Threats and Risks

The security issues related to wireless networks occur with the help of intercepted of their radio waves through attackers. Most of the wireless systems are completely depended upon other various private networks that are developed by malware software due to which users can face the data breach problem. There are following kinds of security issues observed in mobile computing:

  • Denial of service attack
  • Traffic analysis
  • Eavesdropping
  • Spoofing
  • Captured and retransmitted messages

It is the most common type of malware attack which is growing very fast and in wireless networks, hackers can easily block user’s data. In this type of attack, hackers generate a large number of unwanted signals and send to users personal servers (Jing, et al., 2014). There are main two processes used in denial of service attacks for example botnet and flooding process by which they attack human personal networks and mobile devices. Due to DOS attacks, consumers can lose their privacy and it has the ability to reduce the performance and security of mobile networks.

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It is defined as a security issue for mobile networks and which is used by hackers to control and monitor the communication systems between two or more consumers. In which attackers first identify the IP address of the user peripheral device and after that, they use malicious software to control communication between users. This process is used to encrypt the personal information of users and hackers can identify the location of the receiver and record their private data.

In this kind of security, problem hackers develop unauthentic servers and make their party application to access users private details like login ID and passwords. The attackers can be log on users mobile networks and can access their personal data, this type of problem occurs due to lack of security and information was not encrypted (Kumar, and Patel, 2014).

The spoofing is defined as a malware attack in which data or information is transferred from an unauthorized server. It is a very common issue in the field of wireless technology because wireless networks are very less secure by which hackers can access their servers. There are many attackers which use malicious software to produce a large number of traffic signals and they sent these traffic on authentic servers.

In this type of problem, hackers can access user personal emails and messages with the help of unauthorized server and networks. This is a very crucial problem for mobile and wireless networks because users can lose their personal messages and emails due to less security. Call forwarding us a type of retransmitted process in the field of security issues and hackers use complex algorithm to control the networks and servers of consumers.

Mobile devices are very important technology in the field of information technology and many consumers use smartphones for communication purpose. It is estimated that the use of mobile networks has been increased by 34% in the year 2017 and the numbers of vulnerabilities and risks also associated with these systems. It is investigated that in the year 2008 around 20% of security issues occurred due to mobile devices and consumers does not use strong passwords due to which hackers easily enter into communication networks (Liang, and Yu, 2015). In mobile computing most the communication systems are damaged by malware, for example, Trojan, spyware, and virus. A virus is a kind of malicious software and spyware is used to gather data or information of the user networks without any permission. Trojan is a very important step of any hacker that has the ability to identify and control the mobile servers and reduced the performance of mobile devices. There are following kinds of security issues of mobile devices are observed:

  • Pull attacks
  • Push attacks
  • Forced de-authentication
  • Multi-protocol communication
  • Mobility
  • Disconnection

Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

It is a type of mobile attack which is used to control the source of data and information. Pull attack is happen when consumers download third party applications which are developed by malicious software.

Push attack is a part of a malware attack that provides a platform to generate a malicious code for mobile devices. This type of method is used to hack the personal information of any mobile device and malicious algorithm detects the IP address of communication networks and blocks users peripheral devices (Sgora, et al., 2016).

Most the hackers use flooding and botnet process to drop the mobile connection and reconnect the unauthorized servers. When any person uses unauthentic websites and third-party software then attackers store their account details with the help of malware. After that, they produce their devices between the mobile and communication networks.

In this modern generation, most the mobile devices are operated on multiple protocols, for example, cellular networks. It is identified that most of the network protocols have a security hole which is one of the drawbacks of mobile devices that helps the hackers to access their data.

The mobility of user’s data increases the various kinds of mobile threats and risks in the location of consumers (Sicari, et al., 2015). Therefore, it has the ability to replicate the profile of users at a different location to allow data roaming. It produces the repetition of sensitive data or information on unauthorized websites which expend the security risk and threats.  

It is a very common problem for mobile and communication system because mobile devices use a wireless system to transfer data that increase various kinds of distortion and security threats. When the mobile signals cross the different places then it generates a frequency disconnection which is caused by third-party software and malware algorithms.

There are many techniques developed by information technology to address the threats and risks of mobile and wireless devices, for example, identification and authentication process (Zhou, et al., 2017). The securities of mobile devices are very complex because most consumers use third-party application due to which they can lose their privacy. One of the best security steps for mobile networks is maintaining and controlling of modern update of servers and their software. There are following types of security techniques and methods can be used for mobile and wireless security:

  • Encryption
  • Standards
  • Network access control solution
  • Control access
  • Memory randomization (Zou, et al., 2016).

It is a very important and common technique to reduce the security-related threats of mobile and wireless devices. In which an information or data is converted into a form of code that cannot be hacked by attackers. Many organizations use this technology because it has the ability to improve the efficiency of mobile computing. Encryption process also contributes to the security-related aspects of integrity and confidentially.

Is should ensure that the mobile and wireless networks are protected from antivirus and firewall software because hackers enter into mobile devices with the help of malware attacks. There are many other security plans identified by which users can secure their personal data like locking, passwords based system, biometric systems and backups (Zhang, et al., 2017).

Malware Attacks

This is a type of process which is used to identify which kind of mobile devices trying to interconnect with the networks. The main aim of this method is to provide security of users private data from malicious and botnet attacks that can damage their communication systems.

The control access of any mobile device depends on the location of any consumer and it provides many security models and approaches that can control and monitor the security issues and problems.

It is also called as address space layout randomization that protects human personal data from malicious attacks. It first identifies the unwanted signals and unauthorized servers from computer networks and provides a platform to secure users private details like login ID and passwords (Wu, et al., 2016).

It is recommended that the problem of mobile and wireless security is very common in the field of computer science. These types of problem can be resolved if users adopt more advanced security programmes and plans like cryptography, firewall software, and robust technology. Due to malware attacks, users can suffer from the financial problem because hacker first stores their private data and after that, they communicate with users by social media and demand money (Singh, Singh, and Duhan, 2014). It is identified that most customers use only simple protection methods if they use biometric recognition system like fingerprint and iris then they can reduce this type of issues from mobile networks. Therefore, it is ensured that consumers use only authentic servers and websites and keep their private details secure by using authorized servers.


Mobile and wireless both are very advanced technologies that provide a medium to transfer data from one location to another. Many consumers use mobile devices to share their ideas and data but it increases many security risks like data breach, DOS and DDOS attacks, and malware attacks. This report described the various kinds of security issues and problems of the mobile and wireless system and their prevention methods. Therefore, people should adopt protection techniques like encryption, cryptography and firewall software to improve the security of data. Users ensure that they block the unwanted signals and emails from their mobiles because hackers send fraud emails to users and collect personal data.


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