Improving Communication In The Workplace: A Case Study Solution

Case Solution: A Problem in Communication

As per Nowicka, Ciekanowski & Pauliuchuk (2019), the considerate aim of a manager in the framework of an organization is to ensure that the designated tasks are being fulfilled effectively as well as efficiently for ensuring that the needs of the customer are being met. While ensuring that an organization is being able to attain its success, managers tend to utilize four primary functions that includes planning, organizing, leading as well as controlling. These primary functions can be seen to apply in an organization that is facing challenges regarding communication. Tiliuta & Diaconu (2021) opines communication entails exchange of information between a sender and a receiver wherein information is transferred between through mediums. To that extent, the process of communication relates with exchanging of information with utilization of some medium for successfully conveying or sharing ideas. In an organization, communication occurs between managers and employees that bears the purpose of understanding tasks, managing conflict, motivating staff or planning an execution (Raducu, 2021). The relevant case study entails the issues of communication being encountered by Mr. Chen in the organization while seeing to supervise staff. Utilizing the context of a case study as a guide, the following study intends to identify ways for the relevant organization to be able to achieve its success. While emphasizing on the aspect of employee communication that has remained efficient, the relevant study intends to determine ways for communication to be effective and efficient with utilization of the primary functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling.     

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Effective communication requires a common understanding for managers to be reminded that distinction of information safeguards learning styles of members are taken into consideration. Furthermore, with communication effectively implemented, an organization can see to instill reliance as well as motivation that can seem to influence the performance of employees. In the relevant case study, Mr. Chen identified communication being a considerate issue between Mr. Chen and his staff. The organizational employees do not seem to respond to emails forwarded to them and fulfill tasks until Mr. Chen briefs them in person and provide a definite deadline. Furthermore, the employees has seemed to express being overwhelmed with task overload and has relayed their need for guidance for determining the priority of a task.

In consideration with that issue, a Plan Of Strategic Communication that utilizes the four primary functions of a manager can contribute towards improving the communication between Mr. Chen and the employees. While communication is indicated as the process entailing exchange of information between sender and the receiver, Guffey & Loewy (2021) stated there are two phases incorporated in its overall process with one being transmission and the other feedback. The phase of transmission entails users utilizing mediums while determining effective ways of sending a message. On the other hand, the feedback phase enables the receiver to send messages to the sender for acknowledging the message that was forwarded by the sender initially. As such, the ultimate key is to ensure that effective and efficient communication is being implemented which ensures both parties have understood the messages being delivered to them.


For Mr. Chen, the considerate goal is to create a protocol for the staff to respond to the emails being forwarded to them while ensuring the members of the team prioritizes tasks appropriately. Furthermore, the staff has seemed to convey that they require aid with tasks while seeing to require adequate training in the programs for letting them be able to communicate through online platform. The four part process can seem to provide guidance to Mr. Chen in formulating a workplace environment that facilitates effective communication. In order to reach a similar understanding on how to implement a strategy, it requires Mr. Chen to create an effective plan.

A Manager Is Required To Strategize Appropriate Course Of Action In Order For Meeting Goals Wherein a Plan Must Entail All Details Of Task And The Way It Needs to be completed while and thereupon determine the resources required for the plan to come to fruition (Lozano Oviedo, 2019). In relevance with the case study, creating a plan is a must for Mr. Chen in order to improve employee task completion and staff communication response. While planning, Mr. Chen needs to identify the medium for transmitting information to the employees effectively. In that consideration, Mr, Chen and his subordinates would seem to benefit from a face-to-face meeting for the staff members to be able to speak transparently, enquire, convey concerns as well as offer feedback. Besides, Shakeri et al. (2021) considers face-to-face communication as having the highest medium in terms of information richness. It also requires listening to staff’s concerns when planning to implement change for which it might require more than one medium for effectively conveying a message. To that extent, Mr. Chen needs to ensure that the staff receives written communication entailing policies and expectations as well as provide written feedback forms for allowing employees in sharing their concerns. The feedback can be analyzed for determining how to support staff better (Duarte, 2020).

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Borissov & Xhemajli (2019) opines that organizing staff members into team is a proper way to relieve overwhelming workload while handling various tasks. The eventual goal of Mr. Chen is to improve employee response time to email and thereupon prioritize task. Organizing staff members into team provides scope for delegating tasks while enabling one to work on their contribution towards the goal. While a team enables task to be arranged as per priority and let a task be fulfilled with assistance from other team members, it also works as a system when handling email correspondences. It requires creating a standard operating procedure for staff members to be guided while employing written communication can enable staff members in hearing and seeing expectations of a job. Mr. Chen needs to create policies in accordance with organization’s goal and mission with standard operating procedure entailing information for the staff and face-to-face meeting explaining everything in detail.


A direction is necessary for a team to know what they are expected of with managers overseeing the tasks (Tripathy, 2018). While Mr. Chen can organize his employees as groups of team for handling various responsibilities and tasks, he could establish leads for aiding employees with issues of the workplace. The employed leads will be responsible for team motivation and ensure appropriate and effective transmission of information. The direct function delegates who will complete the task wherein each member completes their delegated tasks that contributes to greater staff responsibilities.   

The control function create a base criteria for performance that measures the performance of employees and thereupon make adjustment as well as modifications for rectifying various actions (Huber, Rodriguez & Shortell, 2020). Within the function of control, Mr. Chen needs to asses if the changes being let to implement in the above plan can help improve performance and communication in the workplace. Utilizing questionnaire survey can help assess competency while help determine whether communication between managers and subordinates is poor. The surveys can help receive feedback from employees wherein Mr. Chen can utilize the attained insight for determining whether changes been made have seemed advantageous. While the control function is affiliated with feedback phase of communication, it enables employees to enquire for gaining clarity and share opinions as to what has been communicated.


In relevance with the case study, Mr. Chen is required to enhance communication within productivity of employees as well as the workplace of the environment. The planning stage entails Mr. Chen determining goals and implementing a protocol for employees to respond to emails. The organizing function requires organizing teams into groups while delegating responsibility to individuals. Mr. Chen would also seem to direct staff by employing leads in motivating teams and thereupon assess the progress by requesting feedback from employees with surveys. The strategic plan of communication would thus need to be put in place for creating effective communication and help improve overall business performance.

Reference List   

Borissov, b., & xhemajli, a. (2019). The role of the manager in the process of organization management. Knowledge-international journal, 31(5), 1355-1360.

Duarte, v. (2020). Mindful employee: Employee feedback on mindfulness practice (Doctoral dissertation, California State University, Stanislaus).

Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2021). Business communication: Process & product. Cengage Learning.

Huber, T. P., Rodriguez, H. P., & Shortell, S. M. (2020). The influence of leadership facilitation on relational coordination among primary care team members of accountable care organizations. Health care management review, 45(4), 302.

Lozano Oviedo, J. (2019). The role of corporate communication in intelligent organizations. Cuadernos de Administración (Universidad del Valle), 35(65), 105-117.

Nowicka, J., Ciekanowski, Z., & Pauliuchuk, Y. (2019). Manager efficiency in the organization.

Raducu, P. (2021). Aspects of efficient communication and characteristics of the manager capable of adaptation, reflected in the opinion of the students. Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport/Science, Movement and Health, 21(1), 70-77.

Shakeri, H., Khalilzadeh, M., Raslanas, S., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2021). What do project managers need to know to succeed in face-to-face communication?. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 34(1), 1094-1120.

Tiliuta, B. A., & Diaconu, I. R. (2021). The Role of the Leader and the Manager in the Organizational Changes. Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, 21(2), 911-919.

Tripathy, M. (2018). Building quality teamwork to achieve excellence in business organizations. International research journal of management, IT and social sciences, 5(3), 1-7

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