Discuss about the Proactive Health, Safety and wellbeing Management.
Health, safety, and well-being play an important role in workplaces in the last few years. Many researchers indicate that health, safety, and well-being can affect workers, employees, and organization in a negative manner. There are many factors that impact on health and wellbeing of workers in construction industries, and workplaces such as accidents, health hazards, injuries, safety hazards, and perils. Hazards and injuries in workers at the workplace are very common and the main reasons for these accidents and injuries are that lack of policies, lack of safety, and contact with high power supplies. The main objective of this article is that identify different types of injuries, and hazards at the workplace, the role of safety, and wellbeing for workers in the construction industry and various approaches to reduce accidents, and injuries at the workplace. According to World health organization, in last few years injuries and accidents at the workplace are increased rapidly and the main reason of this increment is that lack of policies and strategies at workplaces (Glendon, Clarke, and McKenna, 2016). This report is explaining about different types of approaches and methods to reduce hazards, and accidents in the workplace, and manage health, safety, and well-being of workers in the construction industry. In Singapore, to reduce hazards, and accidents in the workplace, many organizations, and communities consider new approaches to improve health, the safety of workers in the construction industry. Total WSH is a new approach which provides a platform to improve the health of workers, and also promote health in construction industries, and workplaces (Grant, Christianson, and Price, 2007).
Safety at a workplace is very important in last few years, there are many accidents, hazards, and injuries occur in construction industries, and workplaces due to lack of policies, safety, and lack of health promotion (Guest, 2017). According to a report by the World health organization, in construction industries and workplaces many workers suffer from injuries, accidents, and hazards. Every 15 sec. a worker die due to an accident or injury, and there are many reasons of this problem such as lack of policies, and strategies, lack of equipment’s, lack of safety place, contact with high power supply, and lack of health, and safety organization (Hall, et al., 2016). Every day, around 6,300 workers die due to injuries in construction industries, and almost 2.3 million people die per year in the workplace. According to data of last few years, the rate of deaths related to injuries, and accidents in construction industries is increased rapidly and it is the 2nd biggest problem of deaths at the workplace (Soehod and Laxman, 2007). In the last few years, health, and safety programs have been increased and also many policies developed in many countries to reduce the rate of accidents in construction industries. Many of organization prefer a single OSH to reduce injuries, and hazards at the workplace (Haslam, et al., 2016). Many studies show that where people and work and use complex technologies in industries their workers suffer from many injuries and hazards due to lack of safety in the workplace (Yunus, and Latiffi, 2017). A platform is required to promote health, safety at workplace and to reduce this injury at workplace government developed many policies, and also provide a proper training regarding health, safety, and wellbeing in the construction industry (Alkilani et al., 2013).
It is the most important approach to manage health, and safety at the workplace, local organizations, and in construction industries. This approach is used to provide a platform to protect the health of workers and employees in construction industries by providing proper training. There are three characteristics of this approach such as minimal safety program, lack of policies, and management, and limited access to funds. According to research, many organization or construction industries should not provide proper training related to work and they do not develop policies and strategies to reduce injuries, and accidents in the workplace.
It is the next step after the reactive approach, and many organizations and construction industries choose this approach for worker, and employee’s safety. An organization who use this approach for workers; they should improve their workplace and also promote health, and safety for workers. There are main three characteristics of this approach such as informal safety process, management attitude, and workers are not permitted regarding safety.
Workers with some knowledge about issues related to health, and safety, are required an active approach for safety in the workplace and in the construction industry. In this approach, managers or employees provide a proper training about their works and promote health in the workplace. There are few characteristics of this approach such as organization is disposed to invest money to reduce risk, and hazards at the workplace, health, and safety processes are enforced, a behavioural health and safety nation (Murphy, 1996).
A dynamic approach is the last and most important approach which is used in many organization and construction industries to reduce accidents, and injuries. Organizations that use the dynamic approach they have invested money in developing a nation, and policies regarding health and safety for workers, and employees. There are main three characteristics of this approach such as management identify key factors that increase accidents, and hazards in workplace, health, and safety issues are discussed in a regular basis, and investment fund to reduce injuries at the workplace.
The OSHA provides many strategies and regulation to promote health, and safety in construction industries, and workplaces. There are many communities that provide the clearest way to construction industries for occupational health, safety, and wellbeing to workers. However, any organization and construction industries should develop policies, and approaches to reduce accidents, hazards, and other injuries at workplaces.
Enforcement and monitoring are guided by SAWO community to reduce accidents, and hazards in construction industries, and organizations. To monitor and enforcement safety, and health-related issues in organizations, many health communities visit a number of workplaces every year’s Van (Heerden, Musonda, and Okoro, 2018). Only government of health has the authority to monitor and enforce the law and develop various policies regarding accidents, and hazards at the workplace.
Education and training play an important role in occupational health and safety in workplaces for workers. There are many companies, and communities provide education and training to promote health, and safety in workers.
These services are present to help workplace industries with legal policies, and strategies to reduce accidents in construction industries. There are many communities that provide advisory services regarding occupational of health, and safety in workplaces. There are many stakeholders they require to develop a health and safety program to improve the health of workers and also reduce injuries in workers (Murta, Sanderson, and Oldenburg, 2007).
Programs and motivators can be used to increase the health of workers, and also provide a platform to promote health in the workplace. Ministry of health provides many programs regarding health and safety at workplaces. Motivators can promote health and safety in workers, and also improve the quality of work in many organizations. However, many organization and construction industries should develop health and safety program to identify the cause of injuries, and hazards and also reduce accidents, and injuries by motivating workers and promoting health and safety programs (Hofmann, Burke, and Zohar, 2017).
Awareness is the main common step to build great occupational of health and safety in workplaces. In the absence of awareness, workers and employees are not able to identify reasons of accidents, and hazards at workplaces. In an organization, manager should promote workers regarding health and safety issues in the workplace and also workers aware of their occupational safety, and health responsibilities.
These approaches allow investigation of latest and new practical ways to increase occupational of health, and safety. Ontario provides a platform to identify the causes of accidents, hazards, and injuries in construction industries. Research is a complex part to understand the nature of the accident, and hazards in workplaces and it allow identifying the main reasons for these injuries, and hazards in workplaces. Research and analysis of data can also help to investigate different types of risks in workplaces, and also help to provide prevention methods regarding health and safety issues in construction industries (Kelloway, Nielsen, and Dimoff, 2017).
There are many strategies that can be used to reduce health and safety related accidents, hazards and injuries in the construction industry and workplaces such as
Health and safety programs for any management play an important role to improve health or workers and reduce accidents, and hazards in workplaces. Many organizations are developing their management system to keep their workers and employees safe by hazards, and injuries in the workplace and also improve their health and safety programs. According to the national health services, an effective organization and construction industry reduce accidents, hazards, and other injuries by the data-driven system, and also provide proper training regarding the health and safety program. There are following key components of health and safety management such as
The initial step to wellbeing achievement is to design the outline of organization policies regarding health and safety. Safety policies for workers should involve operating information or data for workers to embrace and also follow in daily life.
Health and safety policies are cc very important of all organization to reduce hazards, and injuries in the workplace (Zwetsloot, Leka, and Kines, 2017). It is critical that all organization discuss policies related to health and safety with workers and manager or employees to ensure understand health and safety policies and protect workers from injuries, and accidents in the workplace.
According to national health services, unsafe behaviour at workplace improves many health and safety issues in workers. To avoid these types of problem in any organization managers should provide a platform to develop safety-based programmes. The organization can create better behaviour by making positive habits which can help to reduce health and safety issues in workplaces (Leitão, and Greiner, 2017).
An organization with good safety records can develop a systematic process to identify health and safety issues in workplaces. It provides a platform to understand and investigate the cause of accidents and injuries in the workplace and how to reduce these issues in the construction industry (Lay, et al., 2017).
According to NHS, the rate of injuries and accidents in construction industries and workplaces is increased rapidly in the last few years and organization with low injuries rate increase success of employees. Many organizations leverage this system to keep their workers prepared to handle any health and safety issues or accidents in the workplace.
According to OSHA, education and training related to health, and safety provides proper knowledge about health and safety issues and also helps to overcome accidents and injuries in the workplace.
Empowered and motivation play an important role in the development of health and safety programmes. In any organization, managers motivate their employees and workers regarding health and safety in the workplace and also research about health and safety programmes.
Health and safety program plays an important role in construction industries and works to reduce accidents, hazards, and injuries. The main reason of injuries occurs in construction industries and in any organization is that lack of policies and strategies (Powers, 2017). According to the World health organization, to reduce accidents, and injuries in workplace managers and employees of the organization should follow approaches and strategies of health and safety program. There are many approaches to reduce health and safety accidents in the workplace such as reactive, active, static, and dynamic approach. In which dynamic approach is a most common approach which is used by many organization and construction industries to reduce injuries and hazards in the workplace. There are some other approaches that can help to improve health and safety of workers in any organization such as enforcement and monitoring, education and training, policies related to health and safety, program and motivators, and awareness. All of these approaches are linked together, and the main reason for injuries in the workplace is the lack of policies and equipment. However, the organization should provide a proper training regarding health and safety issues and also develop new health and safety programmes to reduce health-related issues in workplaces. According to data from the WHO, the rate of accidents in construction industries is increased and it is the 2nd largest cause of deaths in the last few years.
Injuries and hazards in the workplace are a very critical problem for every construction industries. According to the data, in 2015 the rate of injuries in Singapore increased by 5.4% and the number of accidents was increased from 12,351 to 13,014 (Tremblay, and Badri, 2018). In 2016, around 75% of injuries occur due to contact with the high power supply in construction industries. There are many elements that lead to accidents and injuries in workplaces such as
Safety at the workplace is very important for all organization and construction industries. The rate of accidents and injuries in the workplace is increased day by day that can be reduced by developing policies and approaches for the organization. The main reason for this problem is the lack of policies in construction industries and it can be developed by promoting health and safety programmes in all organization and industries. This paper is studied about the cause of injuries and hazards in the workplace, and different types of approaches and tools to reduce injuries in the workplace and construction industries. To reduce these types of problems in many organizations, managers or employees should improve health and safety policies and also develop a management system that will help to reduce the rate of accidents in the workplace and increase the success of workers in the organization. The organization can provide training and education program for workers and motivators that will help to reduce injuries in workplaces. According to the literature review, the rate of injuries and hazards in the workplace has been doubled in last few years, and every day, around 6,300 workers die due to injuries in construction industries, and almost 2.3 million people die per year in the workplace. In this paper, we discussed key components of health, and safety management and to overcome injuries, and accidents in workplace managers should communicate with workers and motivate regarding their work.
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