Allowable Deductions Under S 8-1 Of ITAA 1997 | Accounting For Advertising Expenditure | Foreign Tax Paid By Angelo

Question 1


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The issue to be discussed in this case is the manner in which deductions are permitted. The discussion will be anchored on “section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997”. The permission is always given in relation to the costs that are incurred in the transactions done to acquire the shifting machine.


Two types of legislations will be used in the analysis of this question. The first one has been mentioned before as “section 8-1of the ITAA 1997” and secondly is the “British Insulated and Helsby Cables.”


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The cost that has emanated from moving the device to a fresh area which depicts capital expenditure as well as deductions is not permissible within the law section of “8-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997” . The issue of depreciation has adversely affected the movement of assets and the records indicate that the cost would really increase.  The cost which has come up for relocating  the device to the other places indicate a cost that precedes from trivial adjustments and means that can be admissible like similar deductions in “section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997”. The main rationale for considering the expenses for admissible deductions is due to the outlay which is deemed as the section of the enterprise charges emanating from the daily business activities. (Bammens, 2013)

In reference to the results given in the scenario of “British Insulated &Helsby Cables”, the cost that comes up from the bearing defines a continuous benefit on the trade-associated areas by identifying assets that can undergo depreciation. In accordance with the “Taxation Ruling of TD 93/126” about the fixing of the devices and beginning of its functionality, the amount of value to bring the machine to total operation will always be recorded as revenue. It has been considered under the current state of affairs that the incidence of cost in identifying the device to the new site defines an environment of cost of capital and will be handled like permissible deductions. (Arnold, 2011)


It can be inferred from the above discussion that the movement of the machine from one place to another is not permissible. This is aimed at avoiding various deductions which are treated as capital cost. Section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997 of the law gives all the provisions that guide the manner in which the costs are handled and the resulting deductions.

Requirement 2:


The present scenario is accustomed to if the reassessment of assets to influence the insurance policy would be taken as permissible deductions or not. These are also provisions of “section 8-1 ITAA 1997”.


The only form of legislation in this case would be the provisions of the “section 8-1 ITAA 1997”.


As it can be seen from the current scenario, it can be deduced that the expenses have a union with the non current asset, thus in computing the deductions it is prudent to ascertain whether such expenditure has happened in revaluation which is acquired in improving the production capacity of revenue or it is merely done in safeguarding the property (Ault, 2010). If the other application results in the outline of earnings of temporary being, maybe given the state that expenditure is probably a repetition in nature, then it would be taken care of as permissible deductions according to “section 8-1 of ITAA”. A realistic confirmation obtained from the current state occurrence of cost in revaluation of the asset as a result of the f insurance policy will be admitted as income taxable deductions. Section 8-1 gives further clarification for this issue from the period when the steady flow that has occurred is most probably undergoing repetition. (Lodin, 2011)

Question 2


As a result of the assessment  that has been done over the cost of revaluation, it can be conclude  that  insurance policy costs are treated as income tax permissible deductions. Subsequently the charge is treated as sporadic and it should be treated as the as allowable deductions upon income as it is the provisions of section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997.

Requirement 3:


The declaration initiates the occurrences that enhance the question of whether the lawful expenditure which has been sustained by a taxpayer with the reason of objecting the need for closing up the entity would be considered for tax which has admissible deductions but within the provisions of section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997.


The forms of laws that will be used in the analysis of the issue above would include “Section 8-1 of ITAA” and “FC of T v Snowden and Wilson Pty Ltd (1958)”


With reference to the aforementioned issue and within the provisions of “section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997”, the costs that have been incurred in closing up the enterprise have not been determined as admissible deductions on income. The taxation ruling of ID 2004/367 stands in for the lawful expenditure which will be sought for deductions if the charges are for executing the enterprise activities where an individual gives out the records of the taxable income. (HJI, 2015)

Basing on the suit of FC of T v Snowden and Wilson Pty Ltd (1958) expenditure which is not common to the taxpayer in later occasion are necessary to begin the legal process as in no occurrences does it hinder the application of expenses needed to meet the threshold as expenses that are liable for the normal deductions. (Milne, 2012)

The incident of authorized expenditure for overlapping in closing down the request will not be admitted as deductions since they stand in for the definition of capital. This expenditure is associated with the activities of the enterprise. (In Avi-Yonah, 2016)


In relation to the assessment that has been carried out regarding the charges that occured in the objection efforts to close down the enterprise will be treated according to the considerations as not permissible income tax deductions in regard to the provisions of section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997.

Requirement 4


The declaration in the subject extends the matter of ascertaining if or not the official payout for sourcing the services of solicitor so that they can execute various business activities of those who pay taxes will be regarded as the allowable income tax deductions according to the provisions envisaged in section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997.


The type of legislation that would be referred to would border on the “section 8-1 of ITAA 1997”. Notably, this form of legislation has been quoted extensively in this discussion. Apparently, it is a rich case which has set precedence for other referrals in terms of the taxation subject matter. It would still form a strong basis under which the above quoted issue would be examined.

Question 3


The introduction of this statement that has been carefully done in reference to the background of section 8-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, every time the taxpayer is subjected to a permissible expense with the aim of executing  several  commercial activities so that they can obtain maximum yields in terms of profitability. However, there exist certain types of exemption to the provisions of “section 8-1 of the ITAA” where the occasion of authorized expenditure that has occurred show the quality of capital, local and personal expense or the expenditure is undertaken in admitting the excluded and free proceeds. (Morrison, 2015)

In regard to the above discussion, for a person to incur an authorized fee, that may not be taken as permissible deductions given that there is no type of union has been reached in coming up with the taxable revenue. In the perspective of the current state of affairs that has been presented in the present matter, it is determined that authorized expenses are directly associated with the taxpayers enterprise with the aim of creating the taxable returns and ways to be admitted as deductions upon income. This too is well covered under “section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997.” (Dourado, 2013)


According to the above argument authorized costs took place in regard to the enterprise activities to create the taxable revenue should be handled as deductions that have been allowed while alluding to “section 8-1 of the ITAA 1997.”


The current situation of Big Bank is related with determining the contribution to tax credit for the announcing expenses that Big Bank has had to bear while paying attention to the provisions of “GSTR Act 1999.”


Just like other issues, this one will be addressed with reference to other sets of law which include GST Act 1999, “Goods and Service taxation ruling of GSTR 2006/3” and Ronpibon Tin NL v. FC of T.


As it has been rightly quoted under the “Goods and Service taxation ruling of GSTR 2006/3”it gives the personal taxpayers the requisite management involving the ways of executing the judgment to settle on the items concerning tax costs. Away from this the judgment also gives the solution through which the payers of tax can advocate for change that is used for the financial supplies inside the structure of fresh structure of tax “GST Act 1999”. It also takes stock of the enormity of the laudable principle and the real purpose for the use of the “Goods and Service taxation ruling of GSTR 2006/3” under “division 11-15 and 129 of the GST Act 1999”. (Evans, 2011)

As witnessed in the modern situation of Big Bank, it lays a basis that the bank has bred the notion to an expenditure of about $1,650,000, which also has the sum required for promotions in the previous year. As exhibited in the current conditions of Big Bank, the taxation judgment of Goods as well as Service taxation verdict of “GSTR 2006/3” is appropriate for the corporation since the firm is eligible and suitable for input tax credit or reduced input tax credit (Woellner,2014). According to the judgment, if an organization has been formalized and is expected to acquire registration, GST shall bear the liability of implementing the supplies amounting from taxation. The arrangement of GST guidelines holds that a taxable organization under the critical situations is expected to claim rights of input tax credit for the supply of goods that comprise of the sum of the GST that is obtained through the business organization. As highlighted in the GSTR judgment, a business entity that undertakes a business supplies activity and extends the business acquirement threshold, such brand of business organization will not possess any rights to restore the total GST demanded. Nonetheless, such a move would amount to a section of the GST which could be restored by the firm. (Barkoczy, 2017)

Question 4

Referring to the inference in “Ronpibon Tin NL v. FC of T” the principle of “extent” and “to the extent” is realistically executed in the interrogation of the legislations of GST. This makes up the duty under which the technique of allocation which is adopted must be fair and realistic in scenarios of the definite venture. As seen in “paragraph 11-5 and 15-5” to meet the necessities of a possession as the worthy acquirement the business unit has to be laudable either in totality or in segments.( Abdulrazaq, 2015)

As highlighted and discussed  in regard of “paragraph 11-5 (a) and 15-5 (a)”,  for any entity to come up with a fiscal attainment to meet the expectations of “GSTR 2006/6” for meeting the threshold as the laudable import, it is quite sensible that the acquirement which has been initiated by the entity should be totally worthy. In the scenario where it is realized that the attainment is partially for the laudable reason, then it is quite sensible again to ensure that the sureness and credibility of the process is guaranteed. As it has been highlighted within the “subsection 15-25 of the GSTR 2006/6”, any import will only be viewed as creditable if the business organization makes monetary supplies with the aim of laying claim to the right of input tax credit. It is arguable that this can be extended so that the announcements concerning the expenses and concerning the Big Bank in the current situation undergo the required threshold. Furthermore, the proof of purchase that has been offered will be considered for the reason of input tax credit relating to the supplies of the GST that is incurred by the Big Bank. (Sangkuhl, 2015)


It has been observed in the above definition that the assessment of the case study can be inferred that Big Bank Ltd meets the threshold to lay claim on the input tax credit which has been envisaged and adequately described in the “GSTR 2006/13” for the amount that is continuous on the issue of announcing the status of the expenses.

This question basically comprises of the computation of the foreign tax offset for Angelo. In the calculation, there are various factors that were used to come up with that solution. The first bit that was being sought was the total tax payable. The various items that were used in the calculation were employment, rental and dividend incomes from both the United States and Australia. Their totals formed the gross income from which the general tax and medical levy would be deducted. The amount that was arrived at added up to 14257. There were other classes of income which was also added upon the former classes in order to arrive at the real amount of tax. The value of tax would later be assessed by a series of comparisons and calculations which led to an average tax payable amount of 3883. It is important to note that such calculations contain a margin of error thus the figures obtained do not represent the exact amount of tax that is expected. Nonetheless, it is a representation that would be relied upon for the purposes of the government entities. (Caron, 2013)

This discussion centers on income which has been termed as assessable income. Likewise, the amount of assessable income that has been arrived at depends on various other items. Some of these items include Australian sourced interest income, Australian sourced dividend income, Gross up Franking credits among other items. Based on those items, the total assessable income added up to 466000 dollars. Apparently, the amount is subject to deductions which include loan interests, legal expenses, rent, salaries and business lunches. The amount of money that is left after such deductions have made is referred to as the net assessable income. Apparently, the net tax payable has also been arrived at given the different levies which are subtracted from the gross tax. In this case, the prevalent issue that has been highlighted is the medical levy. (Mene?ndez, 2011)


Abdulrazaq, M. T. (2015). Nigerian revenue law. Lagos : Malthouse Press.

Arnold, B. J. (2011). Solomon islands taxation laws and regulations handbook. Place of publication not identified: Intl Business Pubns Usa.

Ault, H. J. (2010). Comparative income taxation: A structural analysis. S.l: Kluwer Law International.

Bammens, W.K (2013). The principle of non-discrimination in international and European tax law. Amsterdam: IBFD Publications.

Barkoczy, S. (2017). Core tax legislation & study guide 2017.

Caron, P. L. (2013). Tax stories: An in-depth look at ten leading federal income tax cases. New York, N.Y: Foundation Press.

Dourado, A. P. (2013). The Acte Clair in EC direct tax law. Amsterdam: IBFD.

Evans, C., F (2011). The delicate balance: Tax, discretion and the rule of law. Amsterdam: IBFD.

HJI, P. C. (2015). Advanced issues in European and international tax law. Oxford: Hart Pub.

In Avi-Yonah, R. S. (2016). International tax law.

Lodin, S.O. (2011). The making of tax law: The development of the Swedish tax system. Uppsala: Iustus.

Mene?ndez, A. J. (2011). Justifying Taxes: Some Elements for a General Theory of Democratic Tax Law. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

Milne, J. E. (2012). Handbook of research on environmental taxation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward ElgarTop of Form

Morrison, D. (2014). Taxation law in principle. Sydney: Thomson/ATP.

Sangkuhl, E. (2015). Taxation law.

Woellner, R. H. (2014). Australian taxation law 2014.

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