Privacy And Security Issues In Big Data And IoT

Big Data


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Discuss About The Current Situation The Information Technology World?

Big Data generally refers to the gathering of huge amount of data sets and complex information. In this current situation the information technology world there we can see an issue where these technologies are exceeding the existing storage, communicational and computational capacities of conventional systems [1]. There are various techniques to connect to people or organization by the use of internet or any other conventional way. The technique and information that helps in connecting, is incrementing in a huge rate and volume. But this rapid increase is also creating a concern about the privacy and security issues of the data. Based on the networking system and hierarchical models the database system has also advanced its area of use to the relational and objective database system [15]. By the implementation of web sources these database can also be accessed via data or web management services. Since there is a great concern about the security and privacy of these network systems, it is important to know the aspects of theses security concerns.

In this report we are going to review and research about the privacy and security issues in domain of Big Data and IoT (Internet of Things).

Big Data is the set of complex and large data that the traditional data processing software applications lack capability to handle. Big Data is mainly used to increase the storage capability and increase the processing power [2]. It is more complex and includes challenges like storage, analysis, data capturing, transfer files, sharing, visualization, querying, updating information and privacy. Knowledge management in Big Data has three main functionalities Volume, Variety and Velocity. Recently two more V’s has been included Values and Variability. There are several kind of tools in Big Data analysis like NoSQ, MapReduce that includes Hadoop, S3 storage, Servers and Processing. But as the benefits rises there is a constant introduction of new and vulnerable [3]. Three has been a rise in the security concern in each of these different domains. There are privacy and security issues of Big Data by the following aspects:

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  • Transaction logs protecting and information
  • Filtration of end-point inputs and validation
  • Calculation of Security distributed framework and similar processes
  • Protection and securing of data in real time
  • Protection the accessibility control methodology, communication and encryption
  • Data provenance
  • Access control granular
  • Security protection for non-rational data stores

Similarly, IoT refers to the communication paradigm that is recently envisioned as one of the most vital part of everyday life. It is the network of networks which gives value added service and in which a lot of massive objects, sensor devices and digital devices are connected through the ICT (Information Communications Technology) infrastructure. The IoT gathers data and information at anytime and at anyplace, related to anyone and anything, initially implementing at the path of network and services [4]. There are privacy and security issues of Internet of things by the following aspects:


Consumers those uses free online services like social networking, emails, websites etc. are aware of the fact that consequently they become the part of the online service and hence become the data source for the organizational business. This helps in analyzing of data sources and improves the satisfaction of the customers. Here is where the conflict comes when these data are sold to third party for further analysis without the concern of the security and online service privacy of the customers [14].

The number of user’s data that are gathered has to be significantly larger from the past collection gathered. Some of these technologies can gather such sensitive information of customers by analyzing the daily activities that may range from the health conditions to financial records.

There are several security issues regarding Big Data and IoT [5]:

  1. Non-relational data store: Let us take an example of NoSQL databases that is independent from anyone else as a rule need security (which is rather given, kind of, through middleware).
  2. Endpoints: Security arrangements that draw logs from endpoints should approve the credibility of those endpoints, or the investigation wouldn’t do much good.
  3. Real-time compliance or security tools: These create a colossal measure of data; the key is figuring out how to disregard the false positives, so human ability can be centered on the genuine ruptures [16].
  4. Distributed framework: Most enormous information executions really convey gigantic handling employments crosswise over numerous frameworks for quicker investigation. Hadoop is a notable example of open source tech associated with this, and initially had no security of any kind. Dispersed preparing may mean less information handled by any one framework, yet it implies significantly more frameworks where security issues can manifest.
  5. Storage: In the architecture of Big Data, there is a general storage where the data and information are stored on more than one tier. It depends on the need of cost vs. performance [13]. Let us take an example like the high prioritized data has to be stored in the flash media. Hence, the lockdown storage refers to the creation of a tier-conscious strategy.
  6. Access controls: There is requirement of critical; importance that may provide a system in which authenticates or encrypts verifies the user and hence determine the priority customer.
  7. Data mining solution: Most enormous information usage really circulates gigantic handling occupations crosswise over numerous frameworks for speedier investigation. Hadoop is an outstanding occurrence of open source tech engaged with this, and initially had no security of any kind. Disseminated handling may mean less information prepared by any one framework, yet it implies significantly more frameworks where security issues can edit up.These are the core of numerous enormous information conditions; they discover the examples that propose business systems. For that very reason, it’s especially imperative to guarantee they’re secured against not quite recently outer dangers, but rather insiders who manhandle organize benefits to get touchy data – including yet another layer of enormous information security issues.
  8. Granular auditing: This determines the attacks occurred that have been missed and hence make situations that may improve the situation in future. It is a large amount of data itself that can be enabled and protected by vital security issues in Big Data identification.
  9. Data provenance concerns primarily about Metadata (data about the data): This is tremendously vital that helps to know from where the data emerges from [12]. The users who are accessible to the data and what the data are used for. These data are generally analyzed within minimum amount of time and exceptional pace in which the breaches get activated. Favored clients occupied with this sort of action must be altogether checked and nearly observed to guarantee they don’t turn into their own enormous information security issues.

There is requirement of approximation in this real world since the analyzing and data collection tools have security aspect that has been functionally stored in the technology. The deployment of Security and Information Event Management (SIEM) solution is vital to aggregated logs in security system and the automatic identification of potential breaches. Hadoop is another simple way to identify the big data security and privacy issues [6]. Thus, Hadoop has become one of the most popularly used technologies to address breaches. There has been a range of security leading solutions that has been provided to evolve the technologies which are ideally commercial grade that to help the lock down process. These systems are generally added together by the open source contributors, for example Apache Accumulo. Therefore, by the introduction of Hadoop in Big Data security system, the remaining techniques that can be used are the authentication check and encryption [7].

  • At first there is requirement of understanding the uniqueness of the challenges over the security system in IoT and hence making the development of the next technology accordingly.
  • Finding out the risks related to Big Data, greater the amount of sensitive data, creates greater risk of information system and theft of identity manipulation of devices, IP theft and manipulation of networks or servers and many more.
  • IoT enabling security of data like protection of integrity, confidentiality and authentication data [8].
  • Privacy issues exploration depends on the extent the customer need the privacy and the techniques by which these issues can be maintained by still making the data useful for the customers.
  • The role of shared trust and metadata assumptions over the end to end security across platforms.

IoT is a system comprising of physical gadgets, which are additionally embedded with sensors, hardware, and programming, in this way enabling these gadgets to trade information [9]. This at last permits better joining between genuine physical substances and PC worked frameworks. IoT is the following huge thing affecting our lives in significant ways and number of elements. Innovations like Column-arranged databases, SQL in Hadoop, Hive, Wibidata, PLATFORA, SkyTree, Storage Technologies, Schema-less databases, or NoSQL databases, Streaming Big Data investigation, Big  Information Lambda Architecture, Map-lessen, PIG, and so on., helps in managing the huge measure of information created by IoT and different sources. Real difficulties that can bring ground breaking prizes when they are fathomed:

  • Tremendous information volumes[10]
  • Trouble in information accumulation
  • Contradictory measures
  • New security dangers
  • No unwavering quality in the information
  • Central moves in plans of action
  • Gigantic measure of information to break down
  • A quickly advancing protection scene

Security Issues Regarding Big Data and IoT

The above focuses are a portion of the difficulties that IoT huge information faces. The rate in information development in extending each second, stockpiling in a major test, handling and keeping up is significantly more repetitive [11]. The apparatuses that are created to deal with the two innovations are step by step changing as per the requirement.


Associations must guarantee that every enormous datum bases are resistant to security dangers and vulnerabilities. Amid information accumulation, all the fundamental security insurances, for example, ongoing administration ought to be satisfied. There is a requirement to work together on advancing the standards and practice to identify the threats and security issues regarding Big Data and Internet of things. Since IoT has the requirement of being developed from level for safety, thus has to be tested. There are a couple of territories of concern and security and protection and information gathering productivity are likely the most troublesome issues we are confronting. Remembering the enormous size of huge information, associations ought to recollect the way that overseeing such information could be troublesome and requires remarkable endeavors. Be that as it may, making every one of these strides would help keep up purchaser security. There is a need of developers to work along with the manufacturers to ensure the security at highest priority. So protecting the customers and organization has to be the primary concern not the second thought. This report is a survey about the IoT and Big information security system, the effects of IoT on enormous information, the huge information advances and the challenges. Since there is a noteworthy effect of IoT on enormous information we have to rapidly collected, total structure to deal with the day by day evolving conditions. Security bargain and wasteful aspects in information gathering instruments result in lost status, cash, time and exertion. Yet, there is trust in light of the fact that both the IoT and the enormous information are at a developing stage and there will be redesign


[1]M. Conti, A. Dehghantanha, K. Franke and S. Watson, “Internet of Things security and forensics: Challenges and opportunities”, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017.

[2]G. Newe, “Delivering the Internet of Things”, Network Security, vol. 2015, no. 3, pp. 18-20, 2015.

[3]K. Sood, S. Yu and Y. Xiang, “Software-Defined Wireless Networking Opportunities and Challenges for Internet-of-Things: A Review”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 453-463, 2016.

[4]J. Ziegeldorf, O. Morchon and K. Wehrle, “Privacy in the Internet of Things: threats and challenges”, Security and Communication Networks, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 2728-2742, 2013.

[5]M. Hussain, “Internet of Things: challenges and research opportunities”, CSI Transactions on ICT, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 87-95, 2016.

[6]”Lack of security in Internet of Things devices”, Network Security, vol. 2014, no. 8, p. 2, 2014.

[7]J. Lin, W. Yu, N. Zhang, X. Yang, H. Zhang and W. Zhao, “A Survey on Internet of Things: Architecture, Enabling Technologies, Security and Privacy, and Applications”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, pp. 1-1, 2017.

[8]M. Eltayeb, “Internet of Things”, International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and the Internet of Things, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-18, 2017.

[9]C. Tankard, “Big data security”, Network Security, vol. 2012, no. 7, pp. 5-8, 2012.

[10]G. Lafuente, “The big data security challenge”, Network Security, vol. 2015, no. 1, pp. 12-14, 2015.

[11]T. Win, H. Tianfield and Q. Mair, “Big Data Based Security Analytics for Protecting Virtualized Infrastructures in Cloud Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, pp. 1-1, 2017.

[12]C. Constantine, “Big data: an information security context”, Network Security, vol. 2014, no. 1, pp. 18-19, 2014.

[13]C. Everett, “Big data – the future of cyber-security or its latest threat?”, Computer Fraud & Security, vol. 2015, no. 9, pp. 14-17, 2015.

[14]R. Kemp, “Legal aspects of managing Big Data”, Computer Law & Security Review, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 482-491, 2014.

[15]H. Hassan, L. Yang and M. Qiu, “Special issue on Big Data Security and Intelligent Data in Clouds (BDS-IDC)”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 29, no. 14, p. e4215, 2017.

[16]”Using big data to reduce security risks”, Computer Fraud & Security, vol. 2012, no. 8, p. 3, 2012.

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