Importance Of Safe Space Environments For Classroom Setup

Background of the Topic

Discuss about the Safe Spaces Environments for Classroom Setup.

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In a working environment or a classroom setup, maximum concentration is required for you to be in a position to understand instructions given to you by your superiors or lecturers. We are expected to do maintain a level of seriousness in the work environment following codes and rules of ethics and professionalism. In a classroom or work set up, individual are looking for a place to escape from the rules and regulation and simply be themselves. This kind of environment is known as safe spaces. A safe space is a place anybody can relax and be able to express them freely without the fear of discrimination, rejection, ethnicity, gender discrimination and feeling of hate. When in a safe space, an individual can practice cultural values, cultural awareness, cultural intelligence, and cultural capability. All these are important factors which a person is in a position to express when in a safe space.

The importance of the safe space was realized after an extended period when company heads realized that there are increased cases of absenteeism in the office setup, there were increased cases of students missing classes and increase cases of depression cases in the community. The term cultural safety has been around for an extended period; it has been around for a long time. This term was first brought to the academic circles in the 1990’s by a nurse who was working in a hospital where her need in the working environment varied between her needs (Poynter, 2008).

In our educational institution, what a lecturer expects from the students varies differently from what is expected from what the student’s hopes. For example, the lecture expects the students to submit some assignment for a particular period. The lectures need varies from the students which in turn causes there to be an increase in the workload for both the lecturer and the student. For the two individuals to move forward both personally and professionally, it is important that both the student and the teacher understand what cultural safety is and what it entails.

Cultural safety is referred to as ethnically appropriate programs crucial for improving social and personal empowerment.In a safe environment , it is an opportunity where there is no attack, contest or denial of their personality. Safe space was introduced in both the work environment and institutional environment to increase the issue of performance to increase the office or institution (Williams, 2016).

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The report will focus on the importance of the safe spaces in colleges and how they contribute to the entire institution. The report is going to increase to discuss the issue of safe spaces which are only open to a specific ethnic group, particular age group and a particular group of individuals. The media clip analyzed in this report focuses on safe cultural spaces in colleges. In the video clip, it concentrates on a particular incident which happened at Claire Martin Compton College where there were physical spaces set aside to for only people of color and white people. The media clip in question discusses the consequences required to improve their lives. The clip depicts and discusses safe and unsafe spaces in institutions.

This aim of this report is to increase safe spaces in the institutions both in workplaces and colleges. The report seeks to discuss the importance of the safe areas to students and how to create them. The expected behavior for most of individuals in the safe spaces is to allow for expression of ideas. The safe space is importance because it defines the entire cost of doing goods. The report will help us to understand the problems of ethnic particular safe spaces and if safe spaces are licenses for the exchange of negative idea. It will be our responsibility to ensure that safe spaces are used for their intended purposes which are to ensure the workers are in a position to perform better and air similar views of opinions and challenge each other intellectually.

To understand the entire safe space, we need to watch a movie clip to assist us in understanding, the whole concept. The highly rated show in television, South Park, has discussed in detail the issue of safe space in America. The episode which was titled “shaming America” was aired to address the issues of safe spaces in America. The clip addresses the issue of charity shaming, where one is continually ashamed for not sharing the same ideas as that of the society. In this clip, it shows the kind of discrimination we all go through almost in our day to day activities. Randy who is the main character in this particular clip, show us the unsafe places in America. A place where you are no allowed to intellectually think independently without being discriminated against.

Safe space can, therefore, be seen as an area where you are surrounded by a community who share your ideas. In a safe space there is no classification of any kind. In most social areas, it is evident that most social centers, we are put in a position where we are forced to defend ourselves for looking different, speaking different and thinking different. The society wants to put us on a pedestal where you are allowed to behave in a way the society expects you to act. For example, if you are in a place where you are surrounded by individuals who share a similar view regarding their stand on politics and strategies. At such a space, you are at liberty to do whatever you please as nobody will judge you. Cultural intelligence can be defined as capabilities related to work efficiency across all the cultures in the workplace or social is impossible not to be unsafe in most social centers as we all come from different ethnic and educational backgrounds. The world has become a global village; it is only important for us to be able to relate to each other without looking at the ethnic background of an individual ( Poynter, 2008).


The other issues which arise in a safe space are cultural capabilities are the primary source of the skills, information, and performs that workforce need to carry out their duties in a culturally informed way. Cultural self-awareness the basis of the statement and it comprises of becoming aware of our ethnic values, principles, and insights.

 The star of the south park clip Randy had just finished doing his shopping in a convenient store .after his shopping was calculated the cashier told him how much he had to pay for it. As he reached for his wallet, the cashier asked him, “have heard about the contribute a dollar fund?” Randy answered him “no I have not.” The clerk asked him, “Would you like to give a dollar to save a life?” Randy casually answered “Not today, thanks,” followed by that condescending stare from the clerk.

The clerk repeated in a loud tone almost trying to embarrass him you don’t want to donate a dollar to save a life!” There were some discriminatory stares from the cashier and the customer who heard the entire conversation making it an unsafe space for people who are not willing to, make a donation for a cause they don’t believe in. This is a familiar incident which has happened to most of us. The society has made it a requirement for you to make a donation to help funds or gift funds whose purpose is to help the poor or those who are unfortunate ( Nicholson, 2015).

In this clip, it is evident; nobody tried to create a safe environment for Randy. He was the only person who was defending himself as the cashier hurled his words to the people. This retail store was unsafe space when it comes to you thought on donations. The signs that showed that it was a dangerous space was because of the look the cashier gave Randy for not donating and the constant reminder of the denotation of just one dollar to charity (Nicholson,2015).

In brief , our endorsements  for safe spaces is that we should encourage people to be more open minded to accept the accepted way of thinking. We should not discriminate people in the line of their cultural background, ethnic background or their way of thinking. The area which is unsafe spaces is changed their way of thinking because it affects the safety of individual because people will not be in a position to think critically.


Unsafe spaces should be demolished as they are the causes of dispute and fear. Safety spaces are areas which all the citizens should enjoy regardless of their cultural background. Leaders should be on the forefront spearheading the safe spaces which will make citizens be safe thinkers. Safe space is an important aspect of our work and school association.


.Perry, P. (2008). Creating safe spaces in predominantly White classrooms. Everyday Antiracism, 226-229.

Holley, L. C., & Steiner, S. (2005). Safe space: Student perspectives on classroom environment. Journal of Social Work Education, 41(1), 49-64.

Morath, J., & Leary, M. (2004). Creating safe spaces in organizations to talk about safety. Nursing Economics, 22(6), 344.

Nicholson, M (2015) South Park: “Safe Space” Review. Retrieved on 5th Oct 2016 from:

Poynter, K. J., & Tubbs, N. J. (2008). Safe zones: Creating LGBT safe space ally programs. Journal of LGBT Youth, 5(1), 121-132.

Williams, R (2016) cultural safety – what does it mean for our work practice? Retrieved on 5th Oct 2016 from :<>.

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