Digital Communication Plan For TCS: Platforms And Approaches

Structure of the Plan

Describe about the Digital Communication Platform for Digital Communication Plan.

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Digital communication plan is considered to be one of the most important aspect for an organization to expand its business and market share. If the effectiveness of the specific digital communication plan is on the higher side, then it will attract more amounts of customers and at the same time increase the business as well (Chandramouli et al. 2016). For this particular reason, many global firms around the world have emphasized upon establishing a suitable digital communication plan. In this particular study, digital communication plan of TCS (TATA Consultancy Services) have been designed along with vital details.

Figure 1: Proposed Digital Communication Plan for TCS, (Source: Author)

Many organizations have already exploited the social media websites blogs ad websites available for their digital communication. However, in order to achieve an edge over the existing trend, TCS can use the Youtube as an effective digital communication tool (Colín et al. 2016). In case of Youtube channel, important aspect of microsite such as brand story, product information and memberships can be discussed. In case of the second phase, interactive banner regarding the organization and different sorts of gaming and partnership can be implemented by TCS for effective digital communication. This aspect is considered to be important from the TCS’s point of view as it will provide the company to have direct access with it consumers and target population. Another fact, which should be mentioned with respect to the current context, is that, the competitiveness also plays an important role in terms of digital communication platforms. As a result, it maintains the aspect of competitiveness, customer comments, consumer feedbacks, viewers point of view should be thoroughly evaluated by the company as well (Davison and Ou, 2016).

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In order to achieve success regarding an digital communication, it is important to evaluate the platform and statues of the company and its credibility with the proposed digital communication plan. In terms of marketing, digital communication tool is considered to be one of important aspect to capture a significant amount of market share. It also helps in terms of consumer awareness as well (Sazzad et al. 20160.

The selected organization is TCS or Tata Consultancy Services. It is considered to be largest IT (Information and Technology) company in Asia. Its headquarters is situated in Mumbai, India. The profit margin of the company is considered to be highest among the global companies belonging from Asian region. In recent times, the TCS has expanded its business in the worldwide specter and currently considered as the largest Indian MNC company in the world (Off, 2016).

Digital Communication Platforms

There are several digital platforms which can be exploited by TCS. Youtube channel and Youtube broadcasts is considered to one of the most innovative communication tool of recent times as it will allow the target consumers and general people to subscribe to it. As a result, the people regarding the latest development within the country will receive automatic notification. Apart from this, digital banner, gaming partnership with other digital platforms such as facebook, whats app, twitter, EA sports etc can be carried out by the organization as well (Fontes and Eisencraft, 2016).

The primary aim for the digital communication platforms is to expand the reach to the target consumers and at the same time aware the general people about the recent developments within the company in order to maintain the competitiveness in the global business prospect. This will help TCS to make aware people regarding the expanding business, technological development and expand of their business. As a result, from the neutral point of view it can be stated that it will ultimately increase the status of the company, which will lead to growth in terms of business as well (Off, 2012).

There are several organization which have been benefitted from the digital communication platform. One of the most interesting advantage of DCP is that it allows and interactive aspect between the customers, target consumers and company (Lee and Messerschmitt, 2012). As a result, the company can make people aware about the recent business developments, services, innovation in the company and at the same time, people can communicate directly towards the company regarding their question and query. As a result, it not only works as a marketing tool, but at the same time it can also work as a sound communication tool as well. I recent times, it has been observed that majority of the company across the globe are using the digital communication tool for the advertisement and marketing purposes as well (Keenan et al. 2016). The most fascinating fact about this is that these sorts of approaches are bringing success to those companies, which is providing them an extra edge. From this aspect, it can be said that digital communication tool is essential for TCS as well.

The target audience for the study would be the marketing entrepreneurs who regularly deal with various forms of business communication platform. However, supporting to this, Computer Engineers would also be addressed as the target audience in order to improvise their channeling regarding business communication system and thereby develop a more lucrative and acceptable platform for the entrepreneurs.

Purpose/Aim of the Digital Communication Platforms Organization

The key tools and platforms which would be analyzed would include the database system of TCS, that is subjected to Customer Relationship Management and its subsidiary record which focuses on the number of positive responses from the management against the complains dodged by the clients.

The development of Business Communication Platform would be implemented in seven successive steps. These are as follows:

a) Building a Content Strategy

Content would play the primary role in this portfolio. Although the conventional phrase states that ‘build in and they will come’, it can be stated that this rule would not be applicable for this segment. Developing attractive prospects, such as a super cute kitten playing with a certain turtle on the YouTube would help in attracting numerous viewers from all across the world. The content strategy would mainly include an editorial calendar along with a social plan, optimization channels, engagement efforts, measurement of conversions and many more. It would help to ensure that the conetnst, which is provided by TCS, would help to attract million of target audiences.

b) Implementation of Search Engine Optimization

SEO plays the primary role in developing an effective platform. A good search engine would help to communicate millions of viewers on the social site. Whenever searching on Google or any other search engine, the sites, which are noted at the top of the panel, are mostly visited by the customers, no matter how effective they are. Hence, TCS need to devise their SEO panel and thereby boost its performance in order to enquire effective response from the viewers.

c) Using In Bound Marketing and Not Interrupted Marketing

Interrupted Marketing are none of the most commonly observed marketing strategy which are casted in the forms of paid ads. These ads are seen on the right hand side of the social networking sites, such as in Facebook. Often it is been sponsored by Google Results and designated by # signs. However, the web users simply tend to ignore these ads and consider them worthless. However, In Bound Marketing would help in gaining effective interests form the customers. These are much better than the Google paid ads. These ads are considered as the first organic results and the formers are easy to be addressable. Hence, it would help TCS to communicate with millions of people at a systematic and logical manner.

d) Creating Solid Landing Pages

Optimization itself is not strictly found for content. Hence it is important to optimize the WebPages as well. ‘Your Landing Pages’ needs and effective user friendly and straight point and thereby ensures for the most registration and signups for the events. For example, “you need to make sure that your landing page drives the right message home. This is where your unique selling proposition, a video or slideshow of images, the benefits of attending your meeting, client testimonials, and a solid call to action”. Thus, it would be of huge help for the organization.

Influence of DCP in the organization

e) Focusing on the Website Architecture

Digital marketing comes with an effective digital website. Hence designing the website effectively would definitely help in gaining a trending response from the viewers.

f) Developing a Social Media Plan

TCS might require an effective social media plan in order to post a varying article for the interests of the customers. Hence, promoting for a conference (such as pushing link on Twitter or asking questions in other web panels) would be a interactive zone for the management with the viewers. It can be assumed that nearly 42% of the population seeks for effective CRM policies in order to focus their viewpoints regarding a company. This would be an important and effective strategy for TCS, as it would definitely help in developing their communication panel.

g) Analytics to find what is working

Based on the online efforts a company cannot seek to plan all its communication strategies. Hence, developing analytics form the feedbacks of the customer sand developing strategies based on those feedbacks would be an effective move for TCS. It would really help the organization to keep the landmark for the future prospects.

One of the basic change which need to be implemented is the development of the most advanced and effective CRM platform. CRM is considered as the most effective panel for business communication. CRM would help TCS to gain an effective platform in terms of marketing principles. Primarily the customers would invest their positive and negative feedbacks in this CRM panel. The positive feedbacks would help in automatic marketing for TCS among other viewers. On the other hand, the negative feedbacks would act as a gap in the system, which would help their management to focus on the issue more effectively.

Developing the database would play the most crucial role in this platform. Firstly, an effective and most reliable database needs to be implemented in the system. This would help in devising more information in system. Secondly, the CRM Manager of TCS should segregate the positive and negative feedbacks. The segmented feedbacks are to be transferred to the administration system accordingly.

Customer Dissatisfaction due to the Service provided by TCS would be the primary topic, which needs to be communicating to the management at the immediate response. The basic reason for customer dissatisfaction would understand. Every reason associated to the dissatisfaction would be considered as a specific topic for communication. Apart from this, the relevant topics to be focused on include data handling, data security, data redundancy and data protection system. All these parameters should also be taken care of by the management in order to peruse an effective infrastructure.

Research Activities

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Week 9




Secondary sources


Literature review

Research Plan

Research Techniques

Primary data collection

Interpretation for Data Collection

Findings and analysis

Recommendations and Conclusion

Formation of Draft


Target Audience


Thus, it can be concluded that TCS need to be subjected to an effective Business Communication Platform in order to perform an effective networking channel within the international market. This can be achieved with the development of a proper CRM channel in the system. The management need to segment the positive and negative feedbacks accordingly. Hence, it would help to gain a prosperous marketing prospect for the future.


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